The Bible

By Charlie Parish

The Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without any error, and it was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy scriptures contained within its cannon hold supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

The Bible is made up of 66 books. The Old Testament makes up the first 39 books and details man’s fall into sin and his need for a saving Messiah. The latter 27 books of the New Testament, (written 400 years after the close of the Old Testament) are the fulfillment of all the prophecies written in the Old Testament. They are all embodied in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The New Testament tells of Jesus life, death, and resurrection.

It is impossible to know God apart from His written Word. If you have come to faith in Jesus Christ, begun to repent of your sins, and have believed upon His name for salvation, you will find your greatest joys in searching His Word daily.

There are many great Bible reading plans, but one that I have found most helpful in my own walk with the Lord is The M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan. Click on the link provided for more information. Also take a moment to view this short video by Dr. John Piper which highlights the importance of studying God’s Word.