Month: November 2012

Word Play

The one thing I could not stand when I as a child was when people corrected my grammar. I can still hear my fifth grade teacher say, “Pay attention to your choice of words and their meaning before you speak.” I could have understood… Continue Reading “Word Play”

Divine Family Tree

This blog is sort of a part two to yesterdays blog regarding how God saves. In my previous blog, I wrote about two specific forms of theology that deal with the concept of salvation and more specifically, predestination. The word predestination alone has caused… Continue Reading “Divine Family Tree”

How Am I Saved?

Reformed Theology. Predestination. Divine election. Limited atonement. The doctrine of Adoption. Calvinism. The very mention of any of these words strikes fear into the hearts of most of Christians in the Bible belt. Churches are split by this debate over how God saves. Is… Continue Reading “How Am I Saved?”

Do You Really Know Him?

I can actually remember playing T-ball when I was a kid. I remember the feeling more than anything else.The feelings of excitement, anticipation, and finally disappointment. Let me explain. When my parents had first mentioned playing baseball, I was so excited. I had seen baseball on… Continue Reading “Do You Really Know Him?”

Satan’s Pulpit

I want you to think of someone in your life that you love with all of your heart. Maybe its a family member such as a parent, sibling, child. or even a spouse.  Lets use the example of a father. Now imagine the unthinkable…that some deranged person took… Continue Reading “Satan’s Pulpit”

It’s Not About You

Misunderstandings and disillusions of who Jesus really is in our society is the ultimate reason for people living out a false Christianity. As a whole, we know what we’ve seen from television preachers and from the basic Bible stories we’ve grown up hearing. Who… Continue Reading “It’s Not About You”